• Phone: +886-2-32343381
  • CSL@listengreen.com.tw

Certifications - Listen Green Technology

ISO 9001:2015

We have implemented an effective ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS), demonstrating our ability to improve efficiency and consistently provide quality products and services that meet our customer and regulatory requirements

ISO 14001:2015

We have implemented an effective ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS), demonstrating our commitment to measure and improve and reduce our environmental impact from our manufacturing activities

Product Testing

SGS Heavy Metal and
Hazardous Substance Test

Physical and chemical testing from SGS ensures our products meet regulatory limits and perform as expected

Toxic Gas Test
After Flaming

Test shows zero toxic gas generated when products are subjected to flaming

ASTM E2149-10
Antimicrobial Activity Test

Determining the antimicrobial activity of immobilized antimicrobial agents under dynamic contact conditions method.

solving our waste and pollution problems and reducing its use of non-bio-friendly plastics

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